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Status Now
Created by Neil Williams
Created on Mar 24, 2023


Please amend the text on the dialog box when deleting an Out of School status.

It currently says:
No record of this entry will be retained

Please amend to something along the lines of:
All register absence marks related to the entire duration of entry will be deleted

My reason for this request is we had a pupil who was meant to be out for two weeks, but returned a few days early. In a rush to mark them present the entire OOS entry was deleted which wiped all of the register marks for that period.

I'd also suggest changing the icon from two speech bubbles to a yellow warning triangle.

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  • Admin
    Lyndsey Whittington
    Nov 11, 2024

    Thank you for your suggestion. We are currently working on enhancements to the Out of School/Future Absence functionality that will include your suggestion. I will post updates here as the project progresses.

  • +1