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Categories Student Registers
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 27, 2022

Enable Search Filters and Columns for multi-select list boxes

Please could you enable search columns and filters on multi-select list box elements in the GUI?

We are using the Student Registers module to manage our our gifted and talented/scholarship pupils. We have several pupils with multiple scholarships, therefore the only (data-based) way to log these in iSams Student Registers is to give a list box option set to allow multiple selections of the items. But the search columns and filters in Student Registers only work for list boxes set up for single selection.

This is very limiting, as there is no way to see if a pupil has more than one schoarship or G&T subject unless you enter each pupil's record separately or download an export from the Reports Wizard. We really do need to be able to view this information (and search/filter by it) in the full list page of the module.

Thank you

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