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Status In Discovery
Categories Timetable Manager
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 22, 2019

Can the tutorials also have option to register students, and be covered using cover manager.

Currently, there is no option for teachers to register students in a tutorial.

Also, the tutorials don't show in the cover timetable in cover manager, making it impossible to assign cover for tutorials when a teacher is absent.

Practically, even though the tutorials are outside the timetabled lessons (with teaching sets), it is practically required to be considered for including in registration manager and cover manager.

Also, the rooming allocations in timetable manager should reflect while selecting room for a new tutorial.

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Include tutorials in Cover Manager

Tutorials are not showing up as requiring cover, it is really important for our students that they are covered.
Guest 6 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Cover Manager 0 In Discovery