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Categories Admissions Manager
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 12, 2023

Search by enrolement term for applicants

We need to be able to search by starting term, e.g. Autumn, Spring or Summer, as our Nursery are termly starters based on their DOB. At the moment I have to check with our Registrar who the starters are and then manually select them from an admission year search, when sending out comms which need to include them. This is also needed for billing.

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  • Guest
    Jul 8, 2024

    Just to add my support to this request: the ability to search by enrolment term as well as admission year for applicants both within the Admissions Manager and Student Manager basic search screen would be extremely useful and cut out quite a lot of manual checking/tracking. In the meantime, we'll continue with query builder.

  • Guest
    Jan 24, 2024

    Are you not able to pull that information using query builder? I know you can look up Enrolment Term - TEXT and combine it with Year on Entry - NUMBER and that will give you the list. You might also be able to add both fields to custom view and use Student Manager to find the list, but I've not tried that.

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