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Status Good Feature
Categories Wellbeing Manager
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 11, 2020

Dynamic visibility groups?

It would be nice to have a "dynamic" visibility group which includes all current teachers / tutors / housemasters etc of a pupil. So as pupils move through the years, their current teachers can view these types of wellbeing concern.

Alternatively, a visibility group tied to the staff's user group(s) would suffice. Visibility groups are static and have to be edited manually as new teachers come and go.

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  • Carole Glynn
    May 16, 2024

    I have also added this to a different thread too, but the issues are very closely related/the same.

    We have our Wellbeing Manager set up with a long list of role-based visibility groups so that we avoid allocating things to specific named individuals.

    In theory, this also means that if a pupil has a concern in Year 5, I can go through the visibility groups configuration at roll-over (when the pupil moves to Year 6) and edit the Head of Year 5 member to say the head of Y6 name, and then rename the visibility group as Head of Y6. In doing this, the head of the relevant year group has access to the pupils' concerns, but the former head of year does not.

    In principle, I could also use Manage Records>Filter by Year Group>Add Visibility Groups to achieve a similar efficiency but, in this case, visibility would be applied to ALL pupils in the year group and not just those who have concerns visible to the Former Head of Y5.

    If the filtering option in Manage Records allowed me to Filter by Visibility Group, I could go to Manage Records>Filter by Visibility Group>Add Visibility Groups and add the New Y6 Form tutor.

    Unfortunately, though, I would not be able to use Remove Visibility Groups as this might also remove Form Tutor, House Master, etc.

    Therefore, if there was also an option to Edit Visibility Groups whereby a list of Current groups was given and then drop downs for the alternatives, that would allow me to "batch Edit" the visibility to change the HoY5 to HoY6 and the FT5-1 to FT6-3 etc on a pupil by pupil basis.

    This would allow us to move away from paper files of concerns etc that move with the pupil from one year to the next.

  • Carole Glynn
    Apr 23, 2024

    I know I have posted here previously, but I think this is critical to the safe use of this module.

    Currently, visibility groups are set up in the module linking specific named individuals. In our case they are the HM House 1, HM House 2, DSL, Head of Prep, Head of Senior, etc. Whenever these individuals change to someone else, I need to update the names associated with each group. So far, not too onerous.

    We also have Form Tutors set up as visibility groups for each year group, meaning that ALL tutors for year 5 can see the information. In my opinion, this is problematic. However, the reason for this is that when the pupils move into Year 6, I need to go in and change ALL of the tutor groups to ensure that the Y6 tutors can now see the former Y5 pupils' information, etc. This is a big job! It is also why we have cautioned against naming specific individuals in concerns as there is no way to update them to the new, relevant person after rollover.

    Please, please is it possible to have a system similar to Reward and Conduct where the HM, Form Tutor, Pastoral Tutor etc are assigned at the system level and notifications and visibility are automatically assigned to them based on rules, so that a specific form tutor only sees the pupils in his/her form?

    There has to be a better way that avoids manual update of staff who have visibility.

  • Carole Glynn
    Jan 31, 2024

    This could draw details from House Master/Mistress, Tutor, Year Group, etc for visibility.

  • +7

It would help greatly when adding individual users to Visibility Groups if you could select all members of a specific User Group.

It would help greatly when adding individual users to Visibility Groups if it were possible to select all members of a specific User Group from Control Panel>User Groups. Then individuals not required could be deleted. Otherwise users have to b...
Guest almost 6 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Wellbeing Manager 0 Good Feature