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Status Good Feature
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 20, 2024

Allow Module Types to be configured to be awardable to only selected year groups

When configuring the Type Properties of a Module Type it would be helpful if the year groups to which this Module Type were applicable could be specified.

We have awards specifically for each of Lower School (years 7-8), Upper School (years 9-11) and Sixth Form (years 12-13) sections but there's currently no means of preventing a teacher from inadvertently awarding a Sixth Form award to a year 7 pupil or a Lower School award to a sixth-former. This results in a lot of retrospective cleanup by MIS admin to delete the misallocated award and to create a new correctly-allocated award in its place. It's exacerbated by the fact that I can't change the award type on awards - most aspects of an award can be amended eg. the text description, department etc but the module type can't be changed. The only option is to delete the award and create a new one afresh each time which becomes very time consuming.

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  • Guest
    Nov 27, 2024

    We have exactly the same problem and are desperate for this feature. I just yesterday had to manually clean up 116 awards that had been entered against the wrong Module Type for the year group. So the only option is to manually delete and re-create all of them. Very frustrating!

  • Guest
    May 1, 2024

    This idea, is also in the same vein so should probably be merged into this too.


Restrict reward and conduct module types to specific year groups

It would be great if we could somehow automatically restrict which year groups can be selected for specific rewards and conducts. Moderation exists but that should only be to check the semantics rather than simply enforce that each award is given ...
Guest 12 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Reward & Conduct Manager 0 Good Feature