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Created by Guest
Created on Feb 28, 2024

Sharing editable calculated columns

This would be a game-changer feature.

Currently if HODs set up their "master"/HOD gradebooks that share down to their respective teacher gradebooks when we're talking about multiple sets in one grade and subject. The calculated column cannot be shared as editable which makes sense EXCEPT when you have different teachers who would like to add their own unique assessments within the calculation for that calculated column which should feed up to the "master"/HOD gradebooks.

For example the calculated column could be an weighted average calculation for all "classwork" done over a term. Teachers within that grade in different sets might have done different assessments and differing number of assessments for that calculation. If it was shared as editable. It would mean that the respective teachers could add whatever classwork assessment columns to that calculation grouping in their own gradebooks and it would feed that calculation back up to the HOD master gradebook.

Currently the work arounds involve a cut an paste into a shared column within a calculation group, or sharing ownership for specific columns which makes setting up the HOD master gradebook template tedious and complicated.

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  • Admin
    Shawn Carr
    Mar 4, 2024

    We are currently working on adding this functionality to the Curriculum Manager. In the Curriculum Manager, teachers can add assessment columns within "Groups" that are part of a Grading Period. Essentially, Grading Period "Groups" are subcategories of assessment columns within a Grading Period. In the Curriculum Manager, you could use a Calculated column to act as a Custom average for Columns added to a Group.

    Regarding filtering for Heads of Departments (HODs), the Gradebook created via the Curriculum Manager will be established at a Year Group Subject level. This means a course like "Year 6 Maths" will be viewable in Gradebooks by Set, although it will be a Year/Department Gradebook with shared columns. Pup[ils moving between classes within a "Course" will retain their Grades.

    Currently, these columns can be viewed centrally with the existing Gradebook Report, which can be filtered to any Gradebook by Year, Subject, and specific column. However, we are currently in the planning phase of providing a universal Tracking/Gradebook resource to build these views for HODs. We would like Gradebooks to have a Data Entry area for Teachers and a place to filter and access Gradebook data in a performative and annually repeatable way

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