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Status In Discovery
Categories Cover Manager
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 7, 2024

Lesson Room Swap

We frequently need to switch one-off lessons between classrooms but this cannot be achieved through cover as the room needs to be closed to move the lesson out and the venue is then not available to receive the swapped lesson. It would be beneficial to enable two specific lessons to be switched as part of the cover mechanism; this would provide notification to staff and students and avoid having to tinker in timetabling and then revert the timetable after the event.

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  • Guest
    Sep 23, 2024

    This is a long overdue function - same story with Lesson Swaps, currently have to 'bridge' with a dummy staff member which still doesn't give the covering staff all the lesson details and locations. Very poor and you would think a simple fix by making staff available in the scheduled list too so as to temporarily amend their timetabled lessons. Come on isams!