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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 12, 2024

Making "shared" weightings visible on child gradebooks

We logged a ticket with the technical support on this and they have advised that this is a feature request which is strange because we don't think the way it currently is set up adds any value/nor makes sense.

If you have a "parent" or master gradebook that you share (as editable) down to "child" gradebooks for your teachers of different classes within a set for a standardised assessement. It correctly shares the assessment name and total of assessment. However, the weighting for that assessment (although caculated accurately in the parent master gradebook) doesn't share down to child/teacher gradebooks. Effectively allowing teachers to edit their weightings on a shared assesment column in their child/teacher gradebooks. This has the following implications:

  • Teachers in their gradebooks can't see what weightings that have been placed on those shared columns from their HODs down from the master gradebooks

  • Confuses teachers as to therefore the totals within a calculated "average weighted" column

  • It would allow a weighting to be placed in the teacher/child gradebook that is different to the parent/master gradebook which would result in different calcucated averages/totals for the same child but in two different gradebooks.

  • Creates inconsistencies within gradebooks as whole which has inconsistency implications on reports, report mapping and portal publishing.

If you wanted to give teachers ability to edit their weightings you would simply copy the assessment column and not share it. There is no valid reason that we can see for weightings to be editable (or different from the master gradebook) and not viewed consistently across shared columns in parent to child gradebooks.

Please can this matter be addressed as an urgent matter as it's caused a lot of real confusion in our school currently.

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  • Admin
    Shawn Carr
    Mar 15, 2024

    Hi Gerry

    We are moving away from Master Gradebooks with the Gradebook moving to being centrally templated in CM. When a Gradebook is allocated to a teacher, the templated fields like "Weighted Columns" will not be editable to the end user in CM

    The limitations we have set on the Gradebook have a substantial impact on the performance specifically in the limitations around shared and Copied columns. This is why we are actively developing alternative solutions via Curriculum manager re the mgmt and allocation of Gradebooks

    Many thanks
