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Categories iFinance
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 10, 2024

Report Manager > Bespoke > Budget Holder by Approver

All budget holders are set-up as approvers on the system. However next level/higher level approvers are also set-up on the system to allow for the Worfklow process to work. This means higher level approvers are linked to multiple analysis codes of which the higher level person is responsible for (for example COO is the higher level budget approver for all Support Departments)

This means though that when we run a budget report by approver, the COO will receive a very lengthy report showing all transactions for all Support departments within the School. This report will be too lengthy to analyse as the COO will be looking at spend for the Support departments at a higher level (which will be available to the COO in other reports like Management Accounts instead).

The request is therefore to have a budget report available to allow us to issue the 'Budget Report by Approver' to the head of each department (i.e. owner of that analysis code) but not for higher level approvers to be included as they only need monthly detailed budget reports for the departments they are the main budget holder off.

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