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Categories iFinance
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 26, 2024

Customer Statement to show all transactions

Currently iFinance only shows the outstanding transations for customer statements and it is not very helpful when parents or customers need to reconcile all the spending and payments done.

Therefore, it would be helpful if there was an option to generate a customer statement containing ALL transactions.

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  • Guest
    Dec 18, 2024

    Thanks for the info, Lesley. While I understand there is the possibility of generating statements with all transactions, there should be an option to allow us to email statements with all transactions (not just outstanding) to customers / parents via the Customers menu instead of needing to generate the statement and manually creating an email to send it to them.

    No point generating statements for ALL my customers if I have to send them out manually one-by-one.

  • Guest
    Dec 17, 2024

    I asked support to help me with this - see the response below. This works but it is time consuming if you wan to email the statements out.

    The default report when you press the Actions button in the Customers screen is the statement that only shows outstanding invoices. Can there be a way in company settings to specify the format of the default customer statement?

    "I can confirm that you can run a customer statement report for a set period of time and including all transactions (not just outstanding). To do so, if you navigate to:

    Reports > Report Manager > Sales Reports > Customer Statements - Report

    You can choose the date range required, choose a singular customer or multiple and set "Show accounts with zero balances" to yes to see the allocated transactions as well as unallocated."