We recently imported some CAT4 data into iSAMS which will shortly be used in reports going home. The data was imported in Tracking Manager and then pulled through into a new gradebook.
One pupil missed the original CAT4 tests and we've just received the data a few hours before those reports are due to be published. Unfortunately we are unable to modify the existing import which has been linked to the reporting cycle and the output templates designed with the specific gradebook and columns.
The suggested workaround was to import it all again from scratch and link it up which we don't have time for.
Please enable modification of imported data, even if it's just admin permission.
We are currently in the planning stages of developing a module to manage and store External Data and Exam results. Our goal is to utilize Curriculum Manager (set to be released next month in preparation for the next school year) to template these columns in Gradebooks. This would support reference, analytics, and calculations such as comparing outcomes to predicted grades.
Rather than allowing direct editing in Gradebooks, this approach ensures that imported results remain protected from being amended by multiple end users. That said, we are reviewing as part of this External Data MGMT, the ability for users to import or integrate external data so that it can be managed and manipulated within iSAMS.
I’ll add this idea to "Next" so we can reference it as part of that body of work.
Many thanks