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Categories Teaching Manager
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 16, 2025

UI issue - Set info save details process is unreliable

When modifying the details of a set on the set details page there are two user interface issues which can lead to data not updating.

Issue 1 - The placement of the save button is not easily accessible or intuitive. It is in the bottom right of the data entry screen and requires the user to scroll the page down (unless you have a ridiculous screen resolution). If a user is not paying attention it is easy to forget to scroll down to click save. Having to scroll up and down to access save/cancel buttons is tedious and leads to RSI if a lot of changes are required., the developers should consider this aspect of interface design on all elements of the system.

Issue 2 - If the user forgets to save the page there is no warning to the user that the data has changed and would they like to save the update. (This is not consistent with other modules which do prompt a user to save if they try an leave a page without saving). This has caused issues where the Primary Teacher has changed but not saved leading to the wrong teacher receiving messages relating to the set, or the wrong teacher appearing in the Report Wizard.

Maybe these issues will be addressed when Teaching Manager becomes Curriculum Manager

Please raise these issues with the design/development team for consideration.

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    Shawn Carr
    Feb 13, 2025


    Curriculum Manager which we will be shortly announcing will be released to configure ahead of next school year, will have a new UI regarding the mgmt of Sets/classes which should address both of these issues