1. Currently, the default is the whole month to the screen with the option to change to week or day. Can each user change the default to their own preference? Month, Week or day. See attachment 1.
2. Colour coded appointments by visit type so we can easily identify who is seeing which clinician. This would stop double bookings and identify availability. See attachment 2.
3. Being able to open the students medical record (if permission allows) from the calendar appointment. Allowing easy access and save time.See attachement 3
4. Stopping the calendar always jumping back top the main screen after every entry. Can it stay on the date you are on when saving an appointment?
5. Having the option to alert clinicians their next appointment has arrived - another colour possibly? Its very hard when there are 5 clinicians at one time and a full waiting area. If the clinician could easily identify their next patient had arrived it would help.