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Product IRIS PlusPay
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 29, 2024

Repeat bookings in View/Take Register

Some schools prefer to not allow parents to make wrap around register bookings, preferring to book them in via View/Take Register, with plenty of notice so that they can allocate the appropriate number of staff. The Acorn Education Trust want to make all bookings 1 month in advance and not allow parents to amend or modify those bookings. We have used to register purchase window to allow this.

However, a member of staff now has to enter all bookings, 1 by 1 for many children. When a parent books in their app, it's possible for them to repeat bookings for future scheduled weeks.

Could this functionality be added into View/Take register so that staff could make bookings and simply repeat for future weeks, rather than needing to book individually for every week.

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