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Status Will not implement
Product IRIS PlusPay
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 26, 2023

Print Barcodes Button

A button available in the Register Activity window and via the actions button of payment items to allow school to tick students, click a button and automatically have a pdf document produced and downloaded (similarly to how register reports automatically download) containing the PayPoint barcodes for the selected students rather than having to remember to go to documents to print, find the item/register barcode and downloading from here.

Useful where there are a high number of parents using the barcode option as they manage strictly in cash, school does not accept cash at all, parents do not have access to internet/printer or the parent does not want any online interaction with ParentMail.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Tim Cropper-Williams
    Feb 2, 2023

    As part of our ongoing feedback reviews this item has been rejected. This is usually because there is a workaround available, the request is not technically viable or because there is a competing request which could add more value for a higher number of users.