Add Cloud Portal Management login to the options for Batch Edit Properties in User accounts
This would make the system consistent with the other access options in the account details tab. It's going to be very helpful when we move over to the new cloud portal and need to give more staff access to the Cloud portal module.
Implement a Medical Centre REST API endpoint in ISAMS that allows retrieval and setting of "Medical Flag" and "Medical Flag Notes" to better manage and automate health information for pupils.
I have thoroughly reviewed all the REST API endpoints related to the Medical Centre API and found that there is no "Medical Flag" or "Medical Flag Notes" information returned. I have checked all the medical endpoints, but this crucial information ...
All modules' results - selected page number made larger, bolder or boxed
This affects all modules. When several pages of results are returned would it be possible to amend how the currently-selected page number is displayed? At the moment it’s really hard to distinguish which page is selected. In the screenshots attach...
Searchable and Viewable Email Content in Email Manager
It will be great if we can perform the following in Email Manager when tracing an email sent: 1. Able to search email sent to parents. 2. Able to view the content sent to parents. The above can assist the school in tracing email communications bet...
We have a separate front end where parents are able to update their contact and custom information. It would be great to be able to update this information via the API. We currently update this information using direct SQL queries.
Changing an individual's permissions is very time consuming when modules are not consistently setup with their own security options menu. Please can Registration Manager/Report Printing/Tracking to name just a few allow you to add in individual us...
Option to default new Parent Portal accounts to iSAMS 2FA ENABLED
Please could new Parent Portal accounts default to iSAMS 2FA enabled, not iSAMS 2FA disabled. At the moment we need to manually enabling it each time a new Parent Portal account is created. The ideal solution would be to allow schools to select wh...
It would be useful to be able to have a User attached to multiple Security Profiles so we don't have to make so many. For example the Boarding staff are compromised of Teachers and Support Staff. So we currently need to have a Teachers profile, a ...
When new accounts are created, currently, Admins need to enable 2FA on the account manually. This can lead to ad-hoc accounts not being protected. In today's climate, it is much more likely that an organisation requires 2FA and will disable it for...