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HR Manager: Recruitment checks simplification

Some of the tabs, dropdowns and sections within the recruitment checks area of HR Manager are not applicable/redundant.It would be great to be able to remove some of the irrelevant parts to simplify adding new staff and any reports the HR departme...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / HR Manager 0 In Discovery

Prevent Block student to be registered

Hello As per our school policy every year we have block list students which be listed by school management, and these students informed that they can' t register in our school for next academic year , but usually we update these list in System to ...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Manager 0 In Discovery

Former Student records - should display ex student contact details.

Presently it is not possible to view Former student contact details in the Former student tab. The only way to see this detail is to search via the Current student tab. This is problematic for two reasons: Security and Permissions profiles have to...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Manager 0 Good Feature

Asst. Form tutor role addition for leave request approval and notification

We have 2 teachers for 1 class at same level. Need to add Asst. Form tutor role addition for leave request approval and notification at Registration Manager -> leave request setting -> role setup
Guest over 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Registration Manager 3 In Discovery

The Leave Request on Parent Portal

The Leave Request on the Parent Portal gives the parents also the option to mark their child from 00:00 to 00:00 on the same day many parents just use this instead of whole day). If they do so the absence can be aproved in Registration Manager and...
Guest almost 3 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Registration Manager 3 In Discovery

Leave Requests for Registration Manager and Parent Portal.

We were excited that you had introduced this option, but having had a goodlook at it and set it up, we realised that it really doesn't do what wewant yet. It's not bringing the reason or the notes through and it wouldbe very helpful if when a leav...
Guest over 4 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Registration Manager 0 In Discovery

Pupil form lists - to be able to print from PDF on A4 portrait

For speed and quickness, i.e. it should be an EASY QUICK process to be able to print a simple A4 portrait pupil form list from pdf that is ready to print. Currently, this spills onto 2 pages or you have to print landscape which isn't suitable. As ...
Guest 7 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / School Manager 1 Later

Parents need to be listed in the family tab together wiht the siblings list

In the way of the family tree is deprecated, I would suggest that you remove that tree but keep listing the parents on that page, together with the siblings list. The Family tab is accessed quite frequently by our staff, so keep all family members...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Manager 0 Good Feature

Pupil Manager

Mailmerge from an Excel Spreadsheet into Email Wizard or Letter template. I have 50 emails to send with GCSE choices to send out to parents. They are all individual and there is no way to send from iSAMS. I am going to have to send them all out se...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Student Manager 0 Good Feature

Future Absences & OOS

It would be good if future absences would pull through on the Out of School Report, for those that have regular authorised absences. Regular absences have to be manually entered on each occasion on the OOS option, which is very time consuming. The...
Guest about 3 years ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Registration Manager 4 Now