We currently have a paper-based leave request system. We are trying to move to an electronic system but this would still then require data transposition into iSAMS. It would be useful if the student could automatically create a leave request e.g. ...
When sending an email using the email wizard, if you select school from the school fields it is actually the previous/former school that merges into the email. Can the name of this please be changed to reflect the data that it actually refers to.
Add an 'Alert' button in the period registration screen for late presence records. The behaviour should correspond to the 'Alert' button in place for student absences: send an email to the configured list of recipients.
Allow the option to select more than one specific pupil when running an Individual Register Report
Allow the option to select more than one specific pupil when running an individual register report. For example we may have a list of children who are not in the same class, it would be helpful if we could select more than one child in the pupil s...
It would be good if future absences would pull through on the Out of School Report, for those that have regular authorised absences. Regular absences have to be manually entered on each occasion on the OOS option, which is very time consuming. The...
Allow us to link specific years to each Registration Rule group so each group can "Select ALL Sets, keep updated automatically"
We have created specific rules for the various prep year groups (which have different timetables) and a separate rule group for our senior school. I would love to have the senior school set up as "Select ALL Sets, keep updated automatically" but I...
Can the student's preferred name be added as a configuration/setting option in the Registration module front screen (only shows in the next level down if you click a student's name) and also in Teaching Sets.
Addition of Subjects to Student list in Email Templates
Please could you add Teaching 'Subjects' to the options of merge fields in an Email template. You already have Year groups, tutors, registration but not Subjects or sets, this would be particularly useful. Thanks