Photo / image stored against each student contact (optional)
We should be able to upload a photo against each contact in the same way that we can against staff and students. These should be available via the API and other reports.
Add a Future Form field in student field dropdown in Student Manager Email Wizard
This field is necessary, some schools need to email students of their class/form allocation for next academic year. "Future Form" or "Next year's form" is an existing field, it should be added in the dropdown in Student Field in Email Wizard.
Emails via wizard to record in student notes section
When sending emails via the email wizard, it would very useful to keep those records in the student notes section to keep all records together and easily accessible/viewable
Identifying Establishment Number of School when creating CTF
When creating a CTF if more than one School is listed with the same name it would be helpful if the DFE numbers appeared so the correct school could be selected
If ADDING pupils to sets manually. You need to have a warning which shows if a Pupil is already in another set in the same 'department' or the same 'subject'. Nothing to avoid you adding Pupils to a bunch of sets when they already appear in anothe...
Is it possible to use the information in Scholarships & Exams to create an icon similar to when using student registers? We want our Scholars easily identified on student manager and the icons from student registers would work really well.
Linking the Scholarship & Exams info to Student Registers would be very helpful. This way scholars are easily identifiable to teachers via the icons available on Student Registers. It also makes it then easier to email scholars as a group via ...
academic reports into "Docs and files" - auto save
Uploading every academic report for a pupil to 'pupil manager; is a tiresome task. PDF reports generated using 'Report printing' should be linked to 'Docs and files' of 'Pupil Manager. iSAMS has the unique ID for pupils and it can be used to ident...
If I can set the “Leaving Date” field to display on the former page, the user can view it and order it by “Leaving Date” instead of downloading the data to view it every time.
When sending an email through Student Manager and the email wizard it would be nice to have a dropdown list in the sender options so that the staff member could be selected rather than having to type it in.