Perform validation checks when lessons are added or modified in Timetable Manager
In Timetable Manager > Manage Lesson Schedule it is possible to assign a member of staff to a lesson despite them not being set as a member of staff for the associated subject. This can lead to issues completing reports later on. When adding or...
Allow visibility of specific external exam cycles within the portals
We're currently gearing up for the January mocks, but our exams team are importing basedata for the summer exams and starting to link pupils to get their entries set up. While we want pupils to see the details around the mocks, we don't want them ...
Please can you submit a product feature request that could be implemented by June 2025 (next year) that allows one of the following:- Request to implement in Report Manager to add “Set” Exclusions by “contains” filter. i.e. The ability to add text...
Administering room cover across a long period of time
The cover manager has the ability to close rooms for specific time periods each day. If the closure is for just one day, the administrative work is relatively minimal. However, when closures extend over a longer period, the administrative workload...
Integrate multiple teachers and locations for a teaching set to reflect once in timetable
Allowing multiple teachers and locations for a teaching set to reflect once in timetable. Also, timetable is not showing on associated teacher's schedule. It would be good for the associated teachers to have the teaching period being shown and ref...
I created a Custom basedata using code 99 for Internal Exams so that I had the full functionality for seating and could copy basedata forward year on year but there is no way to be able to put in internal results. This would be useful to record th...
It would be useful to have the full functionality available in Exams Manager within the Internal exams manager module. There is no way to create setaing plans or seat numbers within internal exams manager so the module has limited functionality
It would be useful to be able to label the exam series as something meaningful rather than just a month eg, Re-sits November 2024 rather than just November 2024