Selecting teachers by entering their initials or surname from a drop down list
When creating an absence, it is far more time consuming to scroll down a list than it is to quickly enter staff initials or surname. Can it be made that both methods of selecting a teacher are available please.
It would be VERY beneficial for teachers to be able to put their own pupil forecasts in, but have no access to the any other part of the External Exam Manager. It would be even better to lock it down so that teachers only have access to their subj...
When managing timetables via Configuration >> Manage Timetables, you see a list of all timetables listed on the system. These are listed in order by academic year, with the oldest timetables at the top. After a while this list becomes quite ...
Improve design of "List missing Subject and Form Tutor reports" - even your own staff are confused by it!
When you look at or print this report, it is neatly divided up by strong black lines. But their position makes no sense! the line is in between the name of the report author and the white/blue/green bar that tells you whether or not the reports ha...
Empty Gradebook cells not being marked as 'Complete' in Report Cycle following Gradebook sync.
It would be great if, when we ran a Gradebook sync to a Report Cycle, that the students who do not have any gradebook marks are not marked as 'Complete' in the Report Cycle. It results in numerous students appearing with empty reports.
1 On the stage when you are able to remove pupils from the seating plan with the green 'tick' to red 'no entry' symbol. If you then change to candidate number rather than surname - the next step - all your work disappears. The stages need to be sw...
Continuing the requests for Access Arrangements for specific subjects - It would be useful if there was a drop down of the components. Even better if that drop down was candidate specific.
Could the Column Data Type in the Column Adjustment tab be to 'Number' as default and NOT 'Text'.Because it allows you to transpose in bulk so 'N/A' or 'X' can be transposed to '0' but the calculated column frequently still doesn't work with empti...