We are unable to upload component results into iSAMS. Our results are received from the SQA in an Excel spreadsheet and we have to send a screenshot to pupils with their component results, which is not ideal and time consuming. It would be helpful...
Ability to specify where exam arrangements comes from
SEN info in Pupil Registers flows through to Exams, which is great. But EAL info in Pupil Registers does not. We would want things like extra time and dictionaries recorded in either Register to populate Exams. Otherwise, what is the point of bein...
Database view for Gradebooks on the lines of Academic Reports
Create a similar database view for Gradebooks as for Academic Reporting (VwReportsManagementAcademicReports). This would be very useful to access entries across several gradebooks including calculated columns and style items for use elsewhere.
When choosing the share columns feature, it would be really useful to be able to choose the precise location as to where the shared columns to appear in the destination gradebooks (Just like when you can choose precise position when you choose to ...
Option to share a whole group (including group heading) in gradebooks
At the moment, I have a number of grade books that all share the same structure and the same group headings. An example group heading "Summer Data" When sharing columns from a master gradebook- it will be really useful to be able to share the whol...
Will it possible to search by student and edit an entire report for one student as well? This approach will be helpful for reviewing comprehensive lists for certain students, rather than addressing by each teacher's set.
To save iSAMs development, why not have just one exams module that serves for external & internal exams, especially as you can already customise basedata in the external module. That would save set up, time, money etc for schools too. You coul...
There is nothing to prevent a student being inadvertently put into more than one set in a year group for a particular subject. It would be really useful if this could be blocked, or a flag be given, or a pop-up warning or a coloured line in the Ad...