The spreadsheet that is downloaded from the Reports Wizard has password protection applied to it. When protection is applied to a spreadsheet, it is no longer possible to make use of the spell checker facility. It would be great if a workaround fo...
Currently it only include subject reports. School may have other reports such as head of subject reports which need to be included in tracking as well.
Currently we have to click on the button to generate reports for a year group. As we know, it takes a while for each year group to run and when it comes to the end of year report publishing, that can take quite a significant lot of time. It would ...
Simple options like SUM are missing. I have 69 columns I want to add. It has already taken half a day to add the columns and get them setup, it feels like it will take that long again to create a formula to add each of the columns individually!
Gradebooks comments visible to students. Our teachers would like to use comments in Gradebooks to comment on student work. Currently comments are only visible to teachers when viewing the Gradebooks.
When we set up a cover for a lesson, is it possible to make the lesson that will be covered by a teacher appears on his/her timetable? Can we have this as default feature for all teachers which means teachers do not have to tick this every time to...
It would be great if there could be a folder structure in the Cycle Manager area, Currently they are grouped by academic year but it would be good if we were able to define additional structure eg terms, half terms, divisions etc.
Access arrangements could be allocated by SUBJECT (not just paper code or date)
Access arrangements for many pupils are different on a subject by subject basis. For example, a student may be allocated extra time for Maths exams only. Currently, we need to identify each exam code that would be a Maths exam and add them as addi...
It would be very useful if it was possible to select where you want to start the next exam. Sometimes for various reasons I do not want the same number of seats as a gap between different exams. I may wish to start a new row with the next exam and...