Autofit Column Width and/or Tooltip for Manage Routine/Manage Runs pages
In the Manage Runs page, I can zoom out to see hidden text. This trick does not work in the Manage Routines page. Both pages, I cannot just hover over the text and see full name in a tooltip.
Dear iSAMS When no cover is required in Cover Manager, can the register be done automatically with No lesson code? Currently we have lots of missing regs due to this reason. Thanks!
Filter "Locate Free Objects & Periods" by Division
In the Locate Free Objects and Periods feature, when searching for a room or a teacher for a specific period (inputting the week and period), it returns rooms or staff for all divisions instead of just for the rooms or staff attached to the divisi...
Re-design the set list report from Teaching Manager - includes photos and Pupil Register information
Currently our teachers are exporting set lists with Pupil Registers information to screen which includes the Pupil Photo Gallery. For example, Pupil Register information includes on-register for SEN & Safeguarding. As you can see from the repo...
Copy sets from a current student for a new student.
When a new student joins a school, we often have to add them to every subject set manually, one at a time (for linked sets, at least once in one of the linked sets). Most if not every time, we already know a student with the exact subject set comb...
This idea affects Teaching Manager as well as Academic Reports. SOCS is used for managing Visiting Music Teachers (VMTs) in the music module. VMTs write reports for their pupils once per term as a subject report in iSAMS. To allow this I have to m...
It can be very difficult to see what you have selected when the row does not highlight when you point at it. This would be useful in lots of areas of iSAMS, like in a list of gradebooks. When you are editing, you have to keep checking the dates to...
Add a function to add student reports (PDF) to Pupil Profile after Portal Publishing
In Pupil Profiles > Assessments & Reports, the data is shown based on the reporting cycle drop-down. It's not user-friendly especially when teachers have no idea about reporting cycles. I have two suggestions: 1) Improve the page - instead ...