The consent field for a medication linked to the Dispense screen.
At present, medical staff go to the dispense screen, then have to go into the separate consent screen to check if they can give the medication. It would be nice if they were linked and authorisation (or not) was shown on the dispense screen.
Associate a reward & conduct type and consequence with a specific Year Group
It would be very useful if we could associate a reward & conduct type and consequence with a specific Year Group(s) as we have reward & types that are only applicable to particular years e.g. disruptive behaviour in the junior school has d...
Discipline Manager enabled more specific inputting of detentions so that the task was carried out once rather than repeated.
We have several categories of detention occurring on repeated days. Currently we have to input each type of detention individually for a run of days of the week, generally 5 inputs to add for each day of the week for each category. A tick box for ...
The ability to move more than one pupil at a time to the next detention session.
It would be helpful if we could select all the pupils who did not attend a detention session and then move them all to the next available detention. OR If not marked as present they autmoically are selected to move to the next detention session
Currently there is only facility to export data for one register at a time, is there a possibility that this can be expanded to export multiple registers at the same time, it would be very helpful?
Currently there is only facility to export data for one register at a time, is there a possibility that this can be expanded to export multiple registers at the same time, it would be very helpful?
At the moment you have to click on the plus sign to read through past visits records. Some boys may have hundred and so it's time consuming having to expand each visit to read. It would be good to have the option to expand all the visits by default.
Admins/authorisers could edit who an R&C is assigned to
If a teacher awards a demerit to the wrong pupil (easily done), it would be really helpful to be able to edit the entry instead of having to delete it and generate another.