Give option to lock permissions for staff to see info only for pupils associated to their house
With regards things like pastoral notes and sanctions, we would really like to be able to tighten permissions so that only staff who work in an associated house can see Rewards and Conducts information for pupils within their house. We do currentl...
We can have different categories for allocating Merits (Attendance, behavior, uniform, etc) which help with analyzing merits issued. It would be useful if we can have this functionality in when entering pupils in detention.
From Activities Manager input student absences directly as Out of school rather than picking them individually
Save time trying to remember who was picked for a team or event, one click to sellect all the students and mark them as out of school for a specific event date and time.
Batch upload files to file store in Student Registers. We would like to store documents like IEPs on student registers to increase accessibility. At the moment that means someone going through and uploading the IEPs one at a time. Can we have a fu...
Be able to add a note when taking a detention register
At the moment, you can only mark if the student was present for the detention. It would be really useful to be able to add a note in there (like in Take a Register), so that we can add notes like 'arrived 15 minutes late to detention'.
Search using Pupil Registers in Registration Day & Week Views
Currently a class register can include a Flag from a Pupil Register however you cannot search in Day or Week View based on that Pupil Register (only a Custom Group). Please could we add in the facility to search/filter by Pupil Registers in Regist...
Email wizard to be accessible from Student Registers
A new member of staff in our SEN department posed the question 'How would I email boys/parents with a particular SEN need'. Thinking it would be easy, I tried to perform the action and realised that there is no real interoperability between the st...
Increase the number of pupils displayed in the rewards and conduct details wizard. At the moment, the same number of pupils are displayed if the wizard is minimize or maximize making the task difficult when entering merits across a year group.
Off Games Manager Flag within Student Manager/Registration Manager like a student register
Off Games Manager Flag within Student Manager/Registration Manager like a student register We are currently looking at using the Off Games module and I was wondering if there was any way that an icon can show beside the pupils name on a register (...