Remove report cycle view for parents when their child is not receiving a report.
We have recently published the School reports to the parent portal and for those students with outstanding fees, we have deleted the student reports from the window of published files in the Report Printing module.But when parents login to their p...
Gender List/Menu for Admissions Manager and Cloud Portal
Currently the Gender options for the Admissions Manager and Admissions Cloud Portal include only two options: Male and Female. We regularly receive applications from students who identify differently. Can you add to the list to include other commo...
Teachers to be able to view any Wellbeing actions on the dashboard\teacher portal
Can we get an area on either the iSAMs dashboard or teacher portal where teachers can view any wellbeing actions which have been assigned to them? Teachers will not necessarily see an email, so having a different location to see this information w...
When an electronic form is set up on the Parent Portal, the parent needs to click on the icon to the right hand side of the form to open it up. It would be great if the name of the form itself was a hyperlink to the form as this is the most natura...
Medical Centre module to be available on iTeacher appEven if just the dispense medication option was available, this would allow teachers to be able to record dispensed medication when off site on a trip or sports fixture.
Emails sent through the Student Manager to Parents and saved in the Communication History should be available in the Parent Portal so parents can see them.
We use categories for R&S as a preset list. Unfortunately, these descriptions are cut off when viewing from parent portal, see attached. It would be useful to resize this box for the full description to show.
Add static text to the form similar to competing products
We need to be able to add chunks of static text to a form in the admissions portal similar to competing products. The idea to create a text field in student manager with default text is non-workable. This seems a simple omission.Can this be addres...
When a parent submits a Leave Request from the parent portal they must tick the children the Leave Request relates to, even if the parent only has one child at school. If no child is ticked then when the Submit button is ticked an error message is...