please could we have an additional column displayed on the student portal : Name of subject for which the points are issued? We would like this to also be displayed when data is displayed to students - so they can see what the points were awarded ...
Allow students to download their Timetable .ics files through the student portal.
I'll add this here as there's no specific Student portal 'forum room'. It would be great if students could download their Timetable .ics files themselves, as teachers can generate a calendar file themselves through the standard staff/teacher iSAMS...
Currently subjects and grades are presented to parents alphebetically. Please can we have an option to choose the order fo the subjects/grades. We are able to do this when printing reports but we now only publish them online but cannot choose. Mus...
A wider range of contact fields for parents to update in the Parent Portal
There is currently the option for Parents to update their email address, fax and telephone numbers. Could this be extended to include Work Address (address, email and number) and Home Address?
Add the facility to publish attendance certificates to the Parent Portal
When releasing reports through the Parent Portal it would be very helpful to also publish individual attendance certificates. So through Registration Reporting in Registration Manager, in the parameter Report Format it would be good to have the op...
Have update email up date or add to their iSAMS contact details.
A Parent Portal user can change their email under Account Options so that their login changes, but this doesn't affect any other record of their email. This makes their contact details out of sync with the Parent Portal and parents think they are ...
As we have now moved over to Medical Centre module and all of our House Staff use the iTEacher app for recording evening and bedtime registers; it would be great if they could also use the app to record student medical issues in house and record t...
We are now applying our Mock Exam results into isams via the Assessment System module. We will also be publishing them onto the Parent Portal. To help the parents find the Mock Results we want to amend a couple of headings. On the Home Page we wou...