Include Candidate Details (Public Exams) on Parent Portal
Within Public Exams > View Exam Arrangements , there are no Candidate Details displayed currently like: Candidate Forename, Candidate Surname, Candidate UCI Number, Candidate Code. These are all displayed within the Pupil Portal though. It woul...
With the current parent portal we can add icons to the home page to provide links to third party systems, such as SOCS. It would be good to be able to do the same on the new cloud parent portal instead of just having a basic text link.
Our parents are requesting for the "Show Password" feature during their login into iSAMS. Parents are facing issue of account disable due to entering wrong password without being able to check whether they had entered password correctly.
Cloud Parent Portal - Hide carousel for logged in users
Having the carousel displayed on the dashboard of the new Cloud Parent Portal for logged in users does not actually have any benefit for users and takes up screen space. It would be helpful if the carousel could be hidden for logged in users.
We would like to be able to edit the navigation of some links in the new Cloud Parent Portal. At the moment we are only able to edit navigation links for the legacy portal in the Parent Portal Manager which is about to be discontinued soon.
We're just starting the process of moving from the old Parent Portal to the new Cloud Parent Portal. Having just completed the iUniversity course I noted that some features will be controlled in both the Cloud Portal Manager and the Parent Portal ...
Cloud Portal Dashboard - Ability to rearrange features
It would be useful to be able to re-order the features of the Dashboard. There are times throughout the year where we'd like to make key messages to parents more prominent and therefore move text sections to the top of the page to catch their atte...
Display recent School News and Documents on the Dashboard (Parent Cloud Portal)
It doesn't seem possible to display recent School News and Documents on the Dashboard of the new Cloud Parent Portal. This is currently available on the old Parent Portal. please could it be added to the Cloud portal.
Once a parent completes the electronic form on the Parent Portal, the form automatically gets added to their Pupil Manager record as a Document. Ideally the fields would also pull through to their profile as well (i.e. if using it as a consent for...