Please can we have the Alert button that is on registers made available on the Teacher App? This is a very useful tool that is used on the browsers, but is not available on the app. Thanks
Have a drop-down list option (selector) in electronic forms
There is no option to add drop-down lists in the electronic forms. This makes the forms difficult to configure or very long when there are many options in the same section.
Cloud Parent Portal - Hide blue ISAMS banner for logged in users
Having the blue ISAMS banner displayed on the dashboard of the new Cloud Parent Portal for logged in users does not actually have any benefit for users and takes up screen space. It would be helpful if this banner could be hidden for logged in users.
It would be great if we could schedule emails to go out to parents through iSAMS. Many parent portals now have the ability to send one email at the end of the week with all the information parents need to know relevant to their child only. It woul...
Parents often request to be able to subscribe to the parent portal calendar, where all school events are entered, so that it syncs with calendars on their devices and they can see what's going on in school at a glance rather than have to log in to...
Hello, A lot of our parents have asked if their Parent Portal account is disabled, to have a feature to allow them to re-activate their account so it doesn't become a burden on the schools IS leads.
Display my child's photo on the Parent's Portal under the School Profile and under My Children on the Home page
The child's name format at times might be confusing to the parents especially if they have more than 1 child and the name is similar. Therefore, for parents, it would be really good to have the children's picture on the Parent's Portal when they a...
If a parent downloads the school calendar from the new Cloud Parent Portal it includes an 'Author' column. This displays a long code to parents that we do not want to show and we would like the ability to hide or remove it.