Our parents are used to downloading the school calendar termly as an ical so that they do not miss things. We are struggling now as isams currently does not support this. I understand it wouldnt update or add any new events. But things do not chan...
Allow parents to update their home address on the parent portal
Allow parents to add/update their home address on the parent portal as this is very important information to keep and update regularly on iSAMS from the safe guarding point of view.
Would like the Year on Entry field to display the full academic year
We have set up admission forms for parents to complete. Currently the Year on Entry displays 2024 for example but is not clear if this is a calendar year or academic year. We would like it to display 2024/2025 for example to make it easier for sel...
We were looking for the ability to rename the leave request tabs on the Parent Portal - specifically, we wanted to rename "Rejected Leave Requests" to "Unauthorised Leave Requests". This would better communicate our intention to parents in that we...
It would be useful when sending emails via the portal to be able to select or create varied recipient groups. Currently you can only select the whole school or by year group, but we often find a need to send emails to a class or specific group.
Deleting Student leavers from the Student Portal in Bulk
Please can there be a way of identifying students as leavers automatically so we can remove them from the student portal quickly and easily in bulk. Currently we tick them one by one through the pupil lists and delete them, which is time consuming...