Update academic reports after the printing deadline or portal publishing
In our previous MIS, Administrators could make changes to reports already published/printed. It would be really helpful if iSAMS would allow administrators to edit past reports in a simpler way. Currently we need to re activate a cycle, and change...
Row Highlighting for Template Names in Reports Manager
After a while, schools end up with a long list of templates in the Reports Manager module. There are icons for editing/archiving/deleting these templates which are to the far right-hand side of the template names. The distance between these icons ...
Mouseover text for grades to allow for full grade definition to be displayed
In Reports Manager, when setting up reporting "Templates", we would like the ability to add a mouseover text as well as the Grading Name on the "Grading" tab, so that when teachers are using either Online Assessment System or Reports Wizard, we ca...
Notification when reports have gone live (and when the deadline is approching)
Some form of automated notification when reports go live (and when the deadline is approaching). Ideal this could be an email to report writers, but it could also be a posting on the Daily Bulletin. Thanks
Allowing for a "Proof reader" in the Assessment Module
At present it is only possible to have a proofreader for the written reports, but it will be handy to have a similar setup for the assessment section, so that Head of Subject and ideally, Head of Department can have an overview of the grades/resul...
Currently, you cannot set a character limit on a generic text, only on a report text. This means that even if we set the character limit on report texts, the text might overrun 2 pages due to the lack of a limit on the generic text applied to the ...
Please can you submit a product feature request that could be implemented by June 2025 (next year) that allows an “inclusion” of individual pupil’s names that overrides all other exclusion rules in a report that have been set? Why? Because this is...
On the invoice template, improvements can be made by showing Front page have Extras Total £775,33 to match fees total above. No VAT% on the Summary page header, next to Vat amount, shown on front page. Breakdown extras by Disbursement headings, so...
Subject Reports Awaiting Completion to include the set name as well as the teacher
I print off the Subject Reports Awaiting Completion sheet to scribble on as I figure out anomalies and check every teacher has completed all reports required - but I'm often reminding myself by looking elsewhere which subject the teacher teaches a...