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Teaching Manager

Showing 57

Allow making set changes in the future or for specific dates

Currently one can only make changes to sets and classes to take effect immediately. Allowing one to make changes in advance would be very beneficial. Or to allow class/set enrolments for specific date ranges would also help.
Guest 11 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 4 In Discovery

Teaching Manager - improve Set Codes report

In Teaching Manager > Reports > Set Codes including Set Counters, a list of sets were shown together with the total number of pupils in each set. Please add more column by listing the teacher(s) who is/are teaching each set. Thank you.
Guest 3 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Linking Sets should have a CORE set OR You should be able to EDIT what is LINKED

You need to have an edit function in Linked Sets. You should be able to unlink and link sets in ONE place. You have to jump through hoops to make an amendment and a mistake costs you hours in unlinking. If you cannot copy a subject set into anothe...
Guest 7 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 1 Next

Seating plans for all lessons, similar to external exams manager

Allow teachers to create seating plans for lessons with pictures and possibly SEN/medical notes. Useful for cover teachers, new staff and teaching assistants.
Guest 3 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Bulk editing for roll-over action in Teaching Manager

Bulk editing for roll-over action - eg all sets are to be Cleared for Roll-Over.
Guest 8 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 2 Later

Able to track pupils in different sets/forms - historical and current

Pupils move from one Set to another over the academic year. Some move form group as well. I can't find a way in iSAMS that can easily track pupils movement. At the moment, we can kind of find the info in Teaching Manager > History, but it's not...
Guest 4 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 2 Next

Multiple teachers per set for PE for example

We want to be able to have more than one teacher marked for a set for example PE and Sports. Then the additional teachers can see the lesson in their timetable and also be marked as unavailable for Cover. This is different to associated teachers w...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 1 Good Feature

Auto-populate Set Name to match Set Code when creating a new subject set

At the moment, the Set Name has to be re-entered separately when creating a new set in a subject. I think it will save time if the Set Name can populate automatically while typing in Set Code, as I believe most schools will have the Set Name to be...
Guest over 1 year ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 0 Good Feature

Filters for adding pupils to Teaching Sets - SEN Register Flags

When adding pupils to a subject set, could we see, and/or filter by Register Flag? For school reports, we set up SEND teaching sets, so SEND reports can be included for pupils that get them. The sets are based on the some (not all) of the SEND reg...
Guest about 2 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery

Ability to add additional fields to reports on the Wizard Bar

It would be very useful to be able to add fields to the Teaching Set List report and others. Wizard Bar > Teaching Manager > View Teaching Set Lists > on the Field Selection screen > I would like to add more fields for staff to select ...
Guest 4 months ago in IRIS Ed:gen & iSAMS / Teaching Manager 0 In Discovery