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Future development

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Document Emailer - Further filters added to enhance performance.

Document emailer cannot handle larger date ranges and we are having to run it in batches due to missing old PO's that have not yet been sent. This needs to be enhanced and additional filters will assist in this.
Becky Graham 3 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 1 Awaiting Further Feedback

Detailed Enquiry Criteria

Why does the date default to 2027/28.99 when we're only in 2024/25? Why can't it default to the current period? Also, can it be adjusted so that we don't have to click exactly on the arrow on the drop-down? Why can't we jut click on the period ran...
Tina Hardy 3 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 1 Under Investigation

Printing Journals

Please either remove the Printer icon from the Reporting Browser or make it so that it works. Having to save as PDF and open before being able to print a document is very frustrating and time consuming.
Tina Hardy 3 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 2 Already exists

Period Default

In V7, you can't change the Default Period. In September times, this can be frustrating for customers who want to look at supplier or transactions but have to amend the period to all or enter period ranges. This can take longer and if they have a ...
Guest 6 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Under Investigation

Ability to view documents from within the Payment Run selection screen.

In V7 it is not possible to view attachments within a payment run, you need to view the attachment separately, such as from a document enquiry. Being able to view them or link through to them from the Payment Run selection would save a lot of back...
Becky Graham 9 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 1 Under Investigation

At REQ Stage to carry forward attachments to PORD stage

At present when creating a purchase REQ the attachments that someone adds are not automatically carried forward onto a PO when creating this. This causes additional workloads to ensure you have downloaded the REQ attachments and then to upload to ...
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 In Development

Cancelled bacs run too complicated in Version 7

When you follow the steps to cancel a bacs run in V7, it takes a long time as you have to cancel each invoice individually. You then have to journal from the payment run clearing account the difference between the original paylist and the amended ...
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Development Complete

Bring back 'as at' enquiries!

In PSF v6 and earlier, it was possible to run an account enquiry at an ‘as at’ date. This was useful if you wanted to see – for example – which invoices were outstanding at the end of a month which had subsequently been paid, or which transactions...
Guest about 1 year ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Awaiting Prioritization

Ability to hide 'Payment' tabs

In our previous version 6 the Payments Tab within an account was HIDDEN from the majority of user groups. This meant that personal Bank information on staff expense ledgers was hidden from users. Following the upgrade to V7 the Payments tab is now...
Becky Graham 8 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Under Investigation

Warning when Contracts coming up for renewal

The customer mentioned that it would be a good idea to have a warning come up to let them know that a Contract is coming up for renewal (say 30 days) so that they can start looking at Contracts with better value where possible. They would also pre...
Angela Herbert 12 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Awaiting Further Feedback