Dashboard to include previous year attendance data.
At the start of this term we need to report to trustees on end of year data for 22/23. This is no longer available on our dashboards as it has reset to the current academic year.
Base phase on DfE year group rather then NC Year group
Please see iSAMS Support ticket 688298. We have a number of divisions within our iSAMS, two of which are junior schools. School one has year groups 1 to 6 which have the "NC Year" 1 to 6. School two has year groups 1 to 6 which have the "NC Year" ...
When running the exclusion data report for the current year, I have noticed that it is not pulling through the data for learners who have left. Exclusion data should be included for the period, whether the student was on roll or not. For example, ...
There is a data point under Students of OnLACRegister with a value of Yes/No which is Yes for those 'On Register' and No for all others, however, we would like to be able to identify those within the LAC register who are 'Off Register' as distinct...
Are there any plans to introduce a measure or dashboard to monitor the new national threshold referenced in the latest DfE guidance on monitoring attendance and absence which comes into force for September 2024? t requires school to monitor (and t...
It would be very useful to see data from Cover Manager in Central. The type of data to include would be similar to what is available on the "Reports" tab within iSAMS. For example: Top absent teachers Top cover teachers Total number of absences / ...
Please could we have data from all the integrated registers available in Central? We have FSM, LAC, PP, SC, SEN. We really need the EAL register added, but including the rest as well would seem like good future-proofing!