Teachers to be able to view any Wellbeing actions on the dashboard\teacher portal
Can we get an area on either the iSAMs dashboard or teacher portal where teachers can view any wellbeing actions which have been assigned to them? Teachers will not necessarily see an email, so having a different location to see this information w...
When managing timetables via Configuration >> Manage Timetables, you see a list of all timetables listed on the system. These are listed in order by academic year, with the oldest timetables at the top. After a while this list becomes quite ...
When an electronic form is set up on the Parent Portal, the parent needs to click on the icon to the right hand side of the form to open it up. It would be great if the name of the form itself was a hyperlink to the form as this is the most natura...
link to error -Errors Found: The census build can not complete until all "Error" messages have been resolved.
Add a hyperlink that takes you to the area of iSAMS that needs updating to fix the error. Errors Found: The census build can not complete until all "Error" messages have been resolved.
Our Deputy Head (Staffing) has asked if it would be possible to have the facility for staff to be awarded credits via iSams. I understand he is interested in it working in a similar way to the Reward and Conduct module for students (although not f...
On Screen Warning When Creating a New Calendar on Import
When importing events into Calendar Manager via a spreadsheet, it is possible to use one of the columns to specify which calendar(s) the events are to be placed on. If you mis-type the name of a calendar, the import process will create a new calen...
There is nothing to prevent a student being inadvertently put into more than one set in a year group for a particular subject. It would be really useful if this could be blocked, or a flag be given, or a pop-up warning or a coloured line in the Ad...
Medical Centre module to be available on iTeacher appEven if just the dispense medication option was available, this would allow teachers to be able to record dispensed medication when off site on a trip or sports fixture.
When clicking a star in Pupil Manager - land on the Register vs the Screening Page so teachers have relevant info.
In the previous SEN Manager, teachers were able to click on a star in their class list and view immediately the overview of the student's SEND. Now, they land on a screening page, instead of having the support info they need in a single click.
Seems unnecessary that you can't assign a child a UPN in the school holidays.You're met with "The following error occurred: There is no current Term configured."There is a term configured. I shouldn't have to be in that term to do it. Just one thi...