Please could we have the ability within all Portal forms (enquiry & registration) to be able to add a further contact (or more!) - this is because we have educational agents completing application forms and at the moment the form only allows 2...
When an electronic form is set up on the Parent Portal, the parent needs to click on the icon to the right hand side of the form to open it up. It would be great if the name of the form itself was a hyperlink to the form as this is the most natura...
link to error -Errors Found: The census build can not complete until all "Error" messages have been resolved.
Add a hyperlink that takes you to the area of iSAMS that needs updating to fix the error. Errors Found: The census build can not complete until all "Error" messages have been resolved.
Allow multiple staff to take responsibility for the same group
Our PE groups usually consist of two tutor groups, mixed male and female, with three PE teachers assigned. The teachers will arrange their groups according to the programme for a particular day so it is not feasible to set up three different sets ...
When proofreading reports the proofreader sometimes notices errors in the General Comment provided for the whole class. However the proofreader cannot readily edit this. The option appears to be available, but in fact a General Comment as seen by ...
Multiple registers is presently an all or nothing feature. Suggestion for a future update whereby lunch / tutor time can be the exception to this rule e.g. when a teacher teaches the same class before lunch as after lunch
A student being present the lesson before lunch say Physics but then leaves school at lunch time/during pm tutor time is still being marked automatically present for the Physics lesson after lunch.
Could the following fields be added from Every HR? Job Category field (Teaching Staff or Support Staff) Holiday allowance Can the absence type "holiday" be correctly displayed? It currently displays as "No Type".
We have several divisions set up, as different year groups have timetables with different lesson lengths etc. For example, we have divisions for years 3&4, 5&6 and 7&8 - a teacher who teaches in all of these divisions gets three separa...