Student Photo Field added to Selected Pupil Export Wizard
We have to create customized lists for example Day Students not having lunch. The dining room has a photo list so they can check if students as they arrive in the dining room. Not currently possible to create these customized lists.
Pupil timetable: Export the whole year in .ics format, not one term at a time
At the moment, when students want to import their timetable (.ics) in their calendar, the exported files only contain information for one term. It would be great if the export file could include the whole year, so that pupils do not need to do the...
SLAS Census Build to Provide a PDF File Of Build Data (as ISC Census does)
The ISC census build creates a PDF file of the census data that is in the DOWNLOAD xml file . Can this function be added to the SLAS census build process? Without this is is difficult to interrogate and check the data before uploading it to the DfE.
Other Schools Manager Search should be more usable to avoid duplication
If Other Schools Manager is to provide accurate marketing information, this only works if schools aren't duplicated. At the moment, you have to be very precise when searching, so if someone searches for St. Johns but it's been saved previously as ...
Please add 'Create an Indicator' option to the Wizard Bar
Please add 'Create an Indicator' option to the Wizard Bar. This would ideally be in addition to the 'Create a Concern' option that is already there. Thanks
At present, when you bring up a list of pupils in Student Manager, for example if you select by year group, the flag of their nationality is shown to the left of the name. The helpdesk tells me there is no way to turn off this option. From a GDPR ...
Former Student to add on to the Admissions Manager and make them Current at a later stage
We have a few former pupils wanting to come back to the UK for the Summer Term at our school. Based on this, we cannot move their former file to current pupils, as there will be no log of them studying with us in the previous year. Also we cannot ...
Conditional clauses in emails to remove text under a particular condition
I want to create an Email Template in Pupil/Student Manager where two or three siblings can be named in a merge email, rather than having to send two or three separate emails to the same parents: Dear {{parent.txtlettersalutation}} I am writing to...