Include "Contact Pupils' Teachers" Emails in Communication History
It would be helpful to see emails sent by staff using the "Contact Pupils' Teachers" function on the Wizard Bar within the list of sent emails relating to a pupin in the Communication History section of Student Manager. The icing on the cake would...
Changing an individual's permissions is very time consuming when modules are not consistently setup with their own security options menu. Please can Registration Manager/Report Printing/Tracking to name just a few allow you to add in individual us...
It would be helpful to be able to alter the VAT coding on transactions via the transaction browser. I am aware that currently this can only be done on bulk invoices & therefore not sales invoices or item invoices
We have 3 VAT control accounts; 1 purchase ledger, 1 sales ledger, 1 for adjustments. It would be helpful to be able to be able to match the HMRC payments on VAT to the these control accounts such that the balances don't keep growing.
VAT rates descriptions are missing on sales invoice templates
The current sales invoice templates only show the % of the VAT charged but not a description of the rate. In the tax summary box, please can the description of the rate ie 20%, 0%, 5%, Exempt, Outside the scope of VAT be printed as well?
Maintain report mapping to previous report cycles from archived Gradebooks
We have noticed that once Gradebooks have been archived, which is the reasonable process to do after rolling over every year. The report mapping to previous/historical report cycles are removed. This means that all gradebook data is removed from s...
It would be very useful to be able to see the company logo in the new interface, the same way that you can in the old one. It ensures that you are using the correct logo when invoicing where multiple logos could be used.
Add the Parental Responsibility selection to Admissions Forms
The schools in our MAT need to collect whether or not a contact has PR when they submit an enquiry form via the Cloud Portal, but this is not an available field when configuring the form - as state schools we mostly need to use this form for initi...
During the Roll Over, schools are able to populate a future form but not a future year group. The latter would be most helpful, especially at multi-campus sites where the year groups do not necessarily follow sequentially. Plus, there are some sce...
Notifications to staff of cancelled cover arrangements and to staff and students of cancelled room closures
Staff currently only know if cover is cancelled when it falls off their timeline - a formal notification confirming that cover is no longer required would be extremely helpful. Ditto when a room closure takes place and staff and students are notif...