Within HR Manager/Management Options/Pay Scales, could there be a function to record the pay scales annually so historical data can be kept. At the moment you have to overwrite the previous pay scales.
Option to view all items on Document Publishing page
On the recently upgraded Document Publishing page it is only possible to view 10, 20, 50, 100 or 500 documents at a time. We have over 800 pupils, and it would be really useful to be able to see all at once. That way when we e-mail our invoices it...
When you add a radio list to an electronic form, the first item is auto-selected. This can be extremely misleading, especially when the response is a required element. It would be great if no item was auto-selected and therefore the parent is forc...
Addition of Subjects to Student list in Email Templates
Please could you add Teaching 'Subjects' to the options of merge fields in an Email template. You already have Year groups, tutors, registration but not Subjects or sets, this would be particularly useful. Thanks
Add iParent App and Parent Portal website login statistics
Can you please have login statistics for the iParent App and Parent Portal website logins? When we check our logging in Parent Portal Manager (screenshot attached) the logs haven't been updated since January 2021. Please help. We would like to get...
Allow the creation of SMS Templates, similar to email templates, with field variables etc, that can be used when creating texts using the SMS Wizard.As there is a "Manage SMS Templates" in the SMS Gateway module > Message Configuration section ...
Addition of School Code to be included for searches within Student Manager, Reg Mgr etc
We use this often as we have so many students who join, leave and return and it is useful for us to find a student quickly. Additionally, we use advanced spreadsheets, which include the school code and are in the order of these, so to be able to s...