It would be more convenient if we could directly email receipts from the Customer Transaction screen ('Action' tab), similar to how we can email Invoices and Credit Notes. This would streamline our process and save us time. Currently, there is no ...
If a parent downloads the school calendar from the new Cloud Parent Portal it includes an 'Author' column. This displays a long code to parents that we do not want to show and we would like the ability to hide or remove it.
Ability to see the VAT codes in the Transaction Browser & GL Drilldown grids
At the moment the grid options/customisation in Transaction Browser & GL Drilldown does not offer VAT code as a field to display. This would offer a quick way to check that VAT codes used for transaction processing are correct without having t...
It would be good to be able to make old VAT codes (eg pre Brexit codes) inactive to prevent accidental posting to them. Improves accuracy and most other accounting software have this capability.
VAT rates descriptions are missing on sales invoice templates
The current sales invoice templates only show the % of the VAT charged but not a description of the rate. In the tax summary box, please can the description of the rate ie 20%, 0%, 5%, Exempt, Outside the scope of VAT be printed as well?
Show Room Closures in Room Cover for non timetabled periods
Currently when to add a Room closure in the Cover Manager for a period that is FREE in ISAMS, the room is effectively Booked, but it doesnt appear anywhere in for staff to see this other than in the Cover Module itself. The issue is then if staff ...
It is currently not possible to see which template a column has been mapped to on the front end once the mapping has been added as it only shows the element name. It would be useful to be able to see the template too.
It would be useful for teachers and admin staff to be able to access to check that a parent is correctly identifiable when collecting students on campus.
Able to track pupils in different sets/forms - historical and current
Pupils move from one Set to another over the academic year. Some move form group as well. I can't find a way in iSAMS that can easily track pupils movement. At the moment, we can kind of find the info in Teaching Manager > History, but it's not...
Ability to add additional fields to reports on the Wizard Bar
It would be very useful to be able to add fields to the Teaching Set List report and others. Wizard Bar > Teaching Manager > View Teaching Set Lists > on the Field Selection screen > I would like to add more fields for staff to select ...