Wrapped text for "reasons for absence" instead of truncated, so that full reason is visible
Good afternoon,A parent has mentioned that in the current layout, it is not possible to see the full "reason for absence" in the parent portal.We wondered whether this caption could be "wrapped" rather than truncated, if that makes sense (please s...
Default Sensitivity Value for Records Medical Centre
Being able to set a default value for new entries into Medical Centre would be a small but useful tweak. The aim would be to avoid user error when dealing with high sensitivity cases. If the default sensitivity level was set to high for all new re...
Option to export or filter from the 'out of school'
It would be really useful to see just our division on the 'out of school' list. This could be be either being able to export the info then I could remove information that isn't relevant to our division, or by having a filter so we can select just ...
We have added an extra year group to the Nursery (effectively N-3). However, the function does not exist to give it the NC year N-3, meaning we have had to assign it the form year 15. This has had an effect on rollover and register etc..
Is there a way that you can add an extra field in the 'Parental Consent' area of Medical Centre that allows us to record which parent it was
Is there a way that you can add an extra field in the 'Parental Consent' area of Medical Centre that allows us to record which parent it was who have the consent?This is an issue we regularly have with separated parents.
show room closures on manage cover menu, so I know that lessons need re-rooming but don't need a teacher!
Show room closures on the 'manage cover' menu, so that I can see at a glance that lessons need re-rooming but don't need a teacher (at the moment, I am having to create a fake teacher absence called 're-rooming', so I can see everything in one place)
Greater search functionality in Student Manager with Student Registers
It would be really helpful if it were possible to increase the search functionality in Student Manager to include the general data in this module along with the data input into Student Registers. It is great that we can search for data from Studen...
Better control for School Year on Entry (and Year on Entry)
This appears in some form or another a few times already, but I'd like to suggest not just the removal of specific, old dates, but a better system for determining options available. Either a manual system (so, in Applicants -> Config -> Port...