It would be really useful to allow the fields in the export to be sorted, to avoid manually re-ordering the data in Excel. For instance, contact fields export alphabetically rather than in a logical order e.g. name, address, postcode etc.
Rather than scrolling down three separate fields (Day/Month/Year) to input a date like in Date of Birth, please can we have it where you just type in the date. It's quicker and more convenient.
Add an ability to collapse or expand a group of columns
In Workbook view, if it is possible to have an ability to collapse or expand a group of columns that would be a great feature and help our teachers a lot in viewing and entering the data. We currently have quire lots of assessments in primary core...
We use a third party provider for our Student Portal and they are unable to pull through any non timetabled external exam entries as the Batch API from ISAMS does not allow it.Could the Batch API permissions be increased to allow for the import of...
Is it possible to 'add' types of exam access arrangement. It would be really useful if the options, for example, Human Reade or Computer Reader were availble. If, as a centre, we were able to reconfigure the 'types' we could make it more centre sp...
Bookmarked pdf for Bulk Printing of Reports by Form
When downloading the pdf of the Bulk Print of Student reports by Form for checking purposes, it would be so handy (read 'efficient') if the pdf could be bookmarked to the student's name. Then when opening in Adobe, for instance, you could click on...
Some documents get superseded, such as IHCPs. However we need to retain the old versions for a period in case of insurance claims or needing to review the history of a pupil. It would be great if we had the ability to archive documents. I would en...
Set document names for form uploads in Admissions Manager/Portal
We're using the admissions portal forms and we're having a slight issue with the documents uploaded by parents as the system is renaming anything that is uploaded with a hexadecimal string which is meaningless to us. Is there any way to either: a)...
Filters options in Export Wizard should reflect the fields itself. For eg. if we would like to filter Relation Type it should be a drop-down where we can select the required relationships instead of guessing or having to refer to the original field.