Under house management it would be useful to view all of the staff that are associated with that house.In HR managed staff can be allocated to a house, but you can not easily see what staff are associated to a house (for non-HR users).
Is there anyways to stop the running routine on Report Printing > Manage Run?.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------.Hello Nantawat, Thank you for contacting the service desk. Unfortunately, there is no...
The arrangements options is limited to what JCQ prescribes but some schools make their own basedata for other exam boards like the IB so more flexibility to the arrangements would be useful:- adding spell checker as an arrangement- ability to only...
As we have now moved over to Medical Centre module and all of our House Staff use the iTEacher app for recording evening and bedtime registers; it would be great if they could also use the app to record student medical issues in house and record t...
Migrating Data in Exams Manager / Internal Exams Manager
Internal Exams Manager - it would be incredibly helpful if we could migrate data (for example) from “Mock Exam 2016-17” cycle to “Mock Exam 2017-18” – it would save me a lot of time to just go in and change dates, rather than needing to recreate a...
It would be really useful to have the ability for a whole school to take an online register in the event of a lockdown. The paper register is not really an option as we wouldn't be able to leave the rooms we are in and yet need to let the manageme...
Add a useful tools to re-allocate a room timetable to another room easily
Would you please add one more tool in useful tools so that we can switch a room timetable to another room. it will make thing much more easier as re-allocate teachers timetables and sets timetables.Thank you,
Gradebooks comments visible to students. Our teachers would like to use comments in Gradebooks to comment on student work. Currently comments are only visible to teachers when viewing the Gradebooks.