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IRIS PS Purchasing

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Training Notes

Create PDF versions of the training notes that can be shared with colleagues. Currently when printing as a pdf the format doesn't align to be able to read the notes clearly.
Claire Shadbolt about 2 years ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Under Investigation

Staff Expenses

Allow the posting of staff expenses to the register in the same way we do for non order invoices. We can then see an audit trail of the authoriser and ensure it's authorised by the correct person.
Claire Shadbolt about 2 years ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 0 Awaiting Prioritization


Please can you add a facility to repoll documents for authorisation (Non order invoices and purchase orders) by user rather than having to do it for each individual document.
Claire Shadbolt about 2 years ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 6 Planned

Workflow approval for multiple cost centres

The workflow for invoice approval only allows for one cost centre. It would great if it could send elements of the invoice to different approvers if the cost being split across multiple cost centres
Caroline Hatcher over 1 year ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Awaiting Prioritization

Allow users to reset their own password

Allow active PS Online users to request a password reset to the email address that has been set up in the user ledger. As an administrator I am frequently asked to reset a password because they have forgotten. If they could request a reset to thei...
Julie Fry about 1 year ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Planned

PORD imports

Customer would like to be able to import PORDs in the same way that you can in accounting with SIs and GJs. Use a .CSV file to import all your lines for your PORD into purchasing.
Guest 8 months ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Already exists

Ability to view passwords to check accuracy on typing

No description provided
Guest about 2 years ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 4 Planned

Add more suppliers to the E-Procurement List such as ESPO

Add more suppliers to the E-Procurement List such as ESPO.
Lance Gordon 9 months ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 2 Planned

Default the Supplier Account for E-Procurement Orders

When placing an E-Procurement order with Amazon, the user is still required to select, the supplier account from the ledger. It would make sense for the default supplier account to be specified when setting up the punch out credentials so the user...
Lance Gordon 9 months ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 0 Under Investigation

Import orders via csv files

We were wondering whether it would be quicker if a number of orders could be entered onto a spreadsheet and then imported? It might save time, better spell checker? Bulk imports.
Guest 10 months ago in IRIS PS Purchasing 1 Already exists