We have entrance exam results for each pupil in spreadsheets for each yeargroup, which we are considering adding to the Entrance Exams section on the pupil records. We can either enter all the results manually (which would take some time...), or s...
When I do a search and set the page size to ALL it persists for the rest of the session, but if I close the session and reopen it it then reverts back to the default (maximum 100). Could the list of options for the default be the same list we get ...
We frequently need to switch one-off lessons between classrooms but this cannot be achieved through cover as the room needs to be closed to move the lesson out and the venue is then not available to receive the swapped lesson. It would be benefici...
Please could SchoolID be added as a field to be selected in the gradebook and be an output on the CSV file. This would make it very useful when wanting to import data from other sources or spreadhseets.
So I don't know if it is just me, but I could not understand what the API Login tick boxes were for, when you are on the Account Details tab for a given User Account - please see screenshot. Support told me that the 3 tickboxes grant access to the...
Enable searching by E-Mail Address and iSAMS Username
Hello In the Control Panel, navigate to User Accounts. We would like to enable searching by E-Mail Address and iSAMS Username, as currently, searching is only possible by last name!! Best Regards
In Teaching Manager > Reports > Set Codes including Set Counters, a list of sets were shown together with the total number of pupils in each set. Please add more column by listing the teacher(s) who is/are teaching each set. Thank you.
We would really appreciate a way to set default user preferences for new system users. This would save us having to manually configure them every time we create a new user.