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IRIS Financials

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Reporting Suite layout

The subtotals should be bold, to make them easier to see in the report. The totals description needs to be left aligned - it looks messy. There also needs to be consistency in the reports with (1500.00) being red instead of sometimes black.
Tina Hardy about 2 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Under Investigation

Icons on Dashboard

Can we have favourites icons for our dashboard? I used to love the Documents icon, the TB icon and the Reporting Suite icon.... just makes it easier to find things. This new dashboard is not as user friendly as V6.
Tina Hardy about 2 months ago in IRIS Financials 0 Under Investigation

Reports Font Size

It would be useful to default the font size in the reports to fit the width of the screen so that the reports can be seen. We can increase the font size, but every time you refresh it defaults to small again. Also having the column titles fixed in...
Tina Hardy about 2 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 1 Will not implement

Management Accounts Report

It would be useful to be able to pick more than one comparative budget. Once we get to Forecast 3, I would like to be able to have Prior Year, Budget, F1, F2 and F3 showing on the report.
Tina Hardy about 2 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 0 Under Investigation

Reporting Suite Favourites

It would be useful to be able to save favourite criteria in the different reports, as I use the same criteria each month for Management Accounts, Account Summary, Aged Debtors/Creditors, Balance Sheet, CashFlow etc.... This would be even more help...
Tina Hardy about 2 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 1 Will not implement

cancelation of part invoiced / delivered goods received notes

When an order is raised for a quantity of 10 items and the supplier is only able to deliver and invoice 8 of these it would be really good if you could just cancel the remaining 2 items instead of having to take the remaining 2 items into an invoi...
Guest 9 months ago in IRIS Financials / Future development 2 Under Investigation

Links tabs in purchase ledger

In V6 there were GRN and PO tabs available but these are not in the links to make it quicker to get to when looking at a suppliers history. Can they be added into the Links > Extensions
Angela Herbert 2 months ago in IRIS Financials 2 Under Investigation

Bring back the binocular search function

There used to be a binocular search on V6, why have you removed It ? That was the easiest way to find any invoice query. We know it already exists, but have you tried using it, its so complicated it takes too long.
Jamie Vincent over 1 year ago in IRIS Financials 3 Under Investigation

View documents processed by user

The ability to run a report to see what has been posted by an individual user. Useful to compare staff workload. Currently the only way to get something similar is to run a document enquiry for the document type but then you're limited to the last...
Guest almost 2 years ago in IRIS Financials 0 In Development

Ability to 'fix' budget

Each year we have a fixed budget and current budget. We need to be able to set the fixed budget so it cannot be amended during the financial year. This is a school audit requirement so it should already be a feature of the system.
Guest 5 months ago in IRIS Financials 0 Under Investigation