Attendance - Overall Percentage on Student Basic record
It would be extremely useful if a Student's Overall Attendance Percentage for the Academic Year to Date could be detailed in their basic record (possibly underneath their photograph). I appreciate that we have the Student Quick View option availab...
We need more optons when creating seating plans. i.e. the option to select Access Arrangement Students only (not just unticking and ticking) a box at the top of the list to untick all, so that you just select certain students would help the option...
When we have a candidate who has subject specific access arrangements eg extra time for maths currently we have to add the arrangement to each paper. In SQA arrangements we can add based on the subject It would save much time to have the choice of...
Each term we are posting cash receipts prior to the invoices being pulled in from Isams. It then takes 2 days of solid payment allocations. Please could a bulk option be reviewed. thanks
It would be really useful to be able to reorder the portal forms in the Manage Portal Forms section of Admissions Manager. Currently they appear in the order you create them. We are a foundation of 4 schools and it would be useful to be able to gr...
Hello, A lot of our parents have asked if their Parent Portal account is disabled, to have a feature to allow them to re-activate their account so it doesn't become a burden on the schools IS leads.
have a search bar in the parent portal calendar would be useful so parents can find events based on keywords as currently would have to rely on events having subcategories/ or know the date of the event
I created a Custom basedata using code 99 for Internal Exams so that I had the full functionality for seating and could copy basedata forward year on year but there is no way to be able to put in internal results. This would be useful to record th...
It would be useful to have the full functionality available in Exams Manager within the Internal exams manager module. There is no way to create setaing plans or seat numbers within internal exams manager so the module has limited functionality
It would be useful to be able to label the exam series as something meaningful rather than just a month eg, Re-sits November 2024 rather than just November 2024