Ability to view documents from within the Payment Run selection screen.
In V7 it is not possible to view attachments within a payment run, you need to view the attachment separately, such as from a document enquiry. Being able to view them or link through to them from the Payment Run selection would save a lot of back...
Within IRIS Financials you can set the system so that users are made to change their passwords systematically. It is not possible with the cloud login. This would be useful for security as although the apps can be secured but prompting a password ...
When you follow the steps to cancel a bacs run in V7, it takes a long time as you have to cancel each invoice individually. You then have to journal from the payment run clearing account the difference between the original paylist and the amended ...
In our previous version 6 the Payments Tab within an account was HIDDEN from the majority of user groups. This meant that personal Bank information on staff expense ledgers was hidden from users. Following the upgrade to V7 the Payments tab is now...
Increase the number of characters allowed for a account in the Title field - Needed for Suppliers
When creating new suppliers (accounts) our users are having to shorten or cut off the supplier names in some instances due to the limit being set at 40 characters. The box itself is large enough to hold more characters so it would be great if this...
Becky Graham
over 1 year ago
in IRIS Financials
Planned for a future major release
In PSF v6 and earlier, it was possible to run an account enquiry at an ‘as at’ date. This was useful if you wanted to see – for example – which invoices were outstanding at the end of a month which had subsequently been paid, or which transactions...
In other systems I have used you are able to set a default nominal code for each supplier to save time having to type in the nominal code every time. For instance EDF is our electricity supplier so it would be good if when ever we entered an invoi...
The description field is not long enough - even if you press F8 for more detail to be added, this is applied to the whole document, not individual lines, and for sales invoices cannot be seen by the customer
Emilia Hodgson
over 1 year ago
in IRIS Financials
Awaiting Further Feedback